So I did a thing on Monday night. I joined Sargis Sangari of the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement in a conversation about sanctions.
Yes, you can see my goofy mug on video.
Yes, we discussed whether the current sanctions regime on Russia is effective (something I’m asked a lot, as you know).
Yes, we discussed sanctions effectiveness and how to best reach our goals (first by defining what they actually are).
Sanctions are a long game, and depending on the target, they can take a long time to work. Russia cannot keep propping up the ruble indefinitely. It cannot continue to fund its welfare programs to prop up people who cannot work even if it continues selling energy to China and India. Those significantly discounted sales put money in Putin’s pockets; however, Russia remains cut off from the global financial system, and you may have money, but it does you no good if you can’t spend it anywhere.
I’m very grateful to Army LTC Sargis Sangari (ret.) for having me on the show.
For those interested, I’m also going to be one of the speakers at next month’s ACAMS conference in Las Vegas, talking about how to catch an oligarch.