It always happens around this time every year: the feeling of slightly broody pensiveness that comes over me on Memorial Day. I think about the friends and acquaintances I lost and those who came before me, who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Bob Marchanti… Tony Salvadore… Dan Garcia… Rick Watts… Jonn Lilyea, and so many others I knew and loved have perished both during military duty and off! To list them all here would take forever, but today—especially—they’re all on my mind.
I generally don’t “blog” per se on Memorial Day. Instead, I share my favorite short film and remember those we have lost, saying a word of gratitude for the lives they lived and the sacrifices they made.
Today will be no different. I would urge everyone to enjoy their day off, but spare a thought to those who gave it all. Watch this short film and remember.
There’s never a year when I don’t cry while I watch this movie, especially at the end, when the flag flies at half-staff. Spare a few minutes during your celebration of the beginning of the summer season, and watch.
Yes, it's dusty in here every time I see that...and remember over 40 friends who did not come back. May they rest in peace.
I appreciate you, your friends, and those in service for all the commitments and sacrifices for keeping our country and values.